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線上基本串珠表格解說教學 - 如何區分左線右線;何謂:(左線)進洞、(右線)加珠、(交叉)形成

基本串珠表格解說教學 - 如何區分左線右線;何謂:(左線)進洞、(右線)加珠、(交叉)形成
DIY Instruction of Beading Table - What are (L)Through, (R)Thread and (Intersect)Form ?

< 1 >
How to tell which the Right-Cord is or which the Left-cord is in Instruction of Beading Table ?

< 1-1 >
左線:指左邊(左手)的線。 (圖 PIC 1)
Left-Cord :The beading cord at the left side or left hand. (PIC 1)

< 1-2 >
右線:指右邊(右手)的線。 (圖 PIC 1)
Right-Cord :The beading cord at the right side or right hand. (PIC 1)

< 1-3 >
※當左線和右線交叉後,(圖 PIC 1-3)
When the two beading cords intersect, the original-right-cord go to the left side to be the next left-cord. Vice versa. The original-left-cord go to the right side to be the next right-cord. ( PIC 1-3 )

< 2 >
步驟 :
串珠動作的順序。 (圖 PIC 2)
The steps are in numeral order. ( PIC 2)

< 3 >
(左線)進洞 :

(Left cord )Through

< 3-1 >
左線穿過鄰近已在成體上的珠子。(圖 PIC 3)
The left cord enter through the bead(s) is already threaded on and is near of left cord. ( PIC 3)

< 3-2 >
若數值為 "0" 表示不需進洞。
If the number is "0", the move of enter-trough is no needed.

< 3-3 >
The left cord is the default cord to enter through bead(s) is already threaded on.

< 3-4 >
若異動為右線進洞,會在數值前加上"右",例如:右1,代表右線穿過鄰近已在成體上的1顆珠子。 (圖 PIC 3-4)
We add a "R" before number to tell this time we use the right cord to enter through bead(s) is already threaded on.

ex. R1.
The right cord enter though 1 bead is already threaded on. ( PIC 3-4)

< 3-5 >
例如:1、2,代表左線過1顆珠,右線過2顆珠。 (圖 PIC 3-5)
We add a symbol "、" when both cords need to enter through bead(s) is already threaded on.

ex. 1、2
The left cord has to enter through 1 bead is already threaded on.
The right cord has to enter through 2 beads are already threaded on. ( PIC 3-5)

< 4 >
(Right cord)Thread

< 4-1 >
右線穿入新增的珠子。 (圖 PIC 4)
The right cord threads on (new) bead(s). ( PIC 4)

< 4-2 >
The right cord is the default cord to thread on (new) bead(s).

< 4-3 >
We add a "L" before number to tell this time we use the left cord to thread on (new) bead(s).

< 4-4 >
若左線和右線都得加珠,我們會加上"、"符號。例如:3、4,代表左線過3顆珠,右線過4顆珠。 (圖 PIC 4-4)
We add a symbol "、" when both cords need to thread on (new) bead(s).

ex. 3、4
The left cord has to thread on 3 beads.
The right cord has to thread on 4 beads. ( PIC 4-4)

< 5 >
(交叉)形成 :

< 5-1 >

右線加珠的動作完成後,左線對穿右線加珠的最後一顆的珠子,同時形成"n"顆珠子圍成的圈。 (圖 PIC 5)
The left cord enter through against the last bead threaded on by the right cord. It forms a circle of "n" beads. ( PIC 5)

< 5-2 >
例如:若數值為8,代表 8顆 珠子形成的圈。
If the number is 8, the circle is of 8 beads.

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